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Главная » 2015 » Февраль » 20 » НЬЮ-ЙОРК ТАЙМС КУПИЛ ПУТИН?

"Нью-Йорк таймс" пишет о полной деморализации и разложении украинской армии после Дебальцевского разгрома. И снабжает эту статью потрясающим фото, которое наверняка войдет в историю.
Автор пишет, что Артемовск заполонили пьяные вояки, которые пьют, дебоширят, захватывают такси. Многие из них даже не знают, где им спать. В ресторане "Библос" херои потребовали коньяк, а в качестве "оплаты" начали стрелять в потолок, посетители вынуждены были сбежать.
Кстати, на ту же ситуацию прозрачно намекает и статья британской "Индепендент".

. Автор той статьи указывает, что в ресторанах Артемовска вводят запрет на продажу алкоголя. Правда, как мы видим, эти херои платить и не собираются - ведут себя как деморализованные, разложившиеся вконец оккупанты.
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И что, теперь украинцы скажут, что это Путин "Нью-Йорк таймс" скупил на корню?

ARTEMIVSK, Ukraine — As violence continued to plague eastern Ukraine on Thursday, demoralized Ukrainian soldiers straggled into the town of Artemivsk, griping about incompetent leadership and recounting desperate conditions and gruesome killing as they beat a haphazard retreat from the strategic town of Debaltseve.

Gunshots rang out on the central square, as many soldiers began drinking heavily. One soldier stood, swaying, on the sidewalk mumbling to himself. Others, who had escaped from Debaltseve after weeks of shelling, were seizing taxicabs without payment. It was not clear that all of them had been given places to sleep, and one group stood silently, shivering on a street outside the Hotel Ukraine.

At Biblios, an upscale restaurant, soldiers tramped about the dining room, ordering brandy that they could not afford, then firing shots into the ceiling as the paying guests quietly fled the premises.

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[Government forces left the area around Debaltseve, in eastern Ukraine, on Wednesday.]

Ukrainian Soldiers’ Retreat From Eastern Town Raises Doubt for TruceFEB. 18, 2015

[A child played cards in a cultural center being used as a bomb shelter on Tuesday in Mironovka village, near Debaltseve, Ukraine.]

Despite Ukraine Truce, a Battle That ContinuesFEB. 17, 2015

[Members of the rebel Donetsk People’s Republic took parts from a Ukrainian tank on Monday.]

With Ukrainian Troops Trapped, a Cease-Fire Grows More FragileFEB. 16, 2015

With artillery bombardments and other fighting continuing across the region, including outside the coastal city of Mariupol, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France spoke by phone on Thursday, and reaffirmed their commitment to a cease-fire negotiated last week.

Some escaped Debaltseve with only what they could carry. CreditBrendan Hoffman/Getty Images

It is a goal that has eluded them for months, even as more than 5,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

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